Privacy Policy



The Privacy Statement of this website "", belongs entirely to the sole proprietorship under the name "CHRYSANTHI ELISSAIOU".

The protection of your personal data is the first priority for our business and we make sure to take all necessary measures to protect your personal data and comply with relevant Greek and European legislation.

This statement applies to all information we receive from you either from the use of our website or from any other means of communication (eg by telephone or via social media) and if you use this website you consent to and accept this Privacy Statement, as well as the terms and conditions of use that have been announced through it.

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor / user of the services of the website is subject to the terms of the present, as well as to the relevant provisions of the European and Greek legislation and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.

In the event that you are directed to our website through a link from other websites, we are not responsible for the terms of management and protection of personal data that they follow. Our products or services may also contain links to other companies' websites and third party services.

We recommend that you read the privacy policies of these sites for which we are also not responsible.

Please note that this is subject to updates and changes and for this reason we urge you to consult it at regular intervals.

Purpose of data processing

Every visitor can browse our website freely without giving any personal information. We will only need personal data if you request your subscription to our newsletter or when you become a member and order products.

Your data is processed for:

· To provide you with our services

· To execute the contract between us

· To invoice our service

· To improve the quality of our services

· To keep you informed about the progress of your order as well as for any information related to it

· To adapt our services to your needs and to personalize our offers

· To provide you with technical support either in person or by phone

· To be at your disposal to answer any possible questions and to inform you about our offers and products

· To make suggestions and ads on our website

· For the purposes of technical management and development of the website

· To create statistical information that will allow us to continuously upgrade our services for the best possible service

The sole proprietorship "CHRYSANTHI ELISSAIOU" complies with applicable European and national legislation for the processing of personal data and for this reason we collect your data after your explicit consent and if you have been informed of the terms of this statement.

What Personal Data We Collect

The controller collects and keeps exclusively the personal data that you disclose to us in the context of your communication with the company or during your registration on our website or during the execution of our transaction.

Information that may be requested by users is name, occupation, e-mail address, a username, a password, your credit card number, shipping address of the order (street, city, postal code), and your contact details. The personal data we collect is limited to the data that is necessary to fulfill the above purposes and serve you. If you state the address of a friend as the shipping address, we will collect the necessary information to send the order, such as name and address.

The controller does not collect or gain access to specific categories of personal data ("sensitive data") and if such information comes to our knowledge by mistake of our customers, they are deleted immediately after informing the subject.

In addition, the controller does not deal with minors and therefore does not seek to collect personal data of minors.

Finally, the controller reserves the right to process personal data in the case of criminal convictions and offenses or related security measures, always under the control of an official authority.



These are alphanumeric identifiers, which are in the form of a text file, which is more commonly known as "cookies". When you visit our website, information in the form of cookies may be entered on your computer.

Cookies are stored on your computer's hard drive and not on the website. They enable the collection of certain information, such as your Internet Protocol address (IP address), your computer operating system (OS), your browser type (browser) and the address of any websites that refer to our website. Cookies are used only to acknowledge that you are entering the site, so that you do not have to enter the password on all pages that include data collection, to re-place products in your cart if you do not complete your transaction in one visit, for traffic analysis on a website and anonymous demographic profile as well as to provide personalized ads. Cookies do not cause harm to users' computers or to the files stored on them and do not become aware of any document or file.

Some of the cookies of our internet platform are necessary for us to be able to provide you with our services, such as e.g. cookies that allow you to log in to your account.

Cookies for the functionality of the website: They allow you to navigate the website and use the "my cart" service.

Cookies for the user's preferences: In order to facilitate your navigation on the website and your search for the appropriate product, we use cookies that memorize your preferences, such as the language of the page or the products you have recently searched for.

Third party cookies: Some of the cookies are stored on your computer by third parties (such as facebook, googleanalytics), e.g. for statistical or advertising purposes. Please consult the protection policies of the respective pages.

Cookies do not cause harm to users' computers or to the files stored on them and do not become aware of any document or file.

If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can configure your browser accordingly, if it has this feature. Please note that if cookies are disabled, you may not be able to see certain parts of this website which may improve the quality and functionality of your visit.

Legality of processing

The processing of your personal data is always carried out provided that there is a legal basis. The legal basis in this case arises on the one hand from the consent of the data subject and on the other hand from the contract in which the data subject is a contracting party.

Most of the information we process is necessary for the execution of the contract between us, eg to send you the service invoice or to read the fault of your system and to repair it or to send you the confirmation of receipt of the order or payment. In some cases we will ask for your consent to process your data, such as e.g. to send you personalized offers or newsletters via emails, sms, viber, socialnetworks, google, advertising platforms & applications, print distribution and more. We may also have a legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data, eg to ensure the proper functioning of the technical support services or to demonstrate the proper performance of the contractual obligations we have undertaken towards you or even for the safety of our equipment. In addition, we process your personal information when it is necessary to comply with the obligations imposed on us by law, such as the retention of tax information.

Retention time of personal data

Our company maintains only the data required for the execution, invoicing and sending of your order throughout the validity of the contract between us and after its expiration for the minimum period provided by law depending on the category of personal data. Your contact details, if you have consented to the sending of informational messages for marketing purposes, will be kept for an additional 5 years from the expiration of the contract, unless you request their deletion.

To whom are they notified?

The personal data declared through the websites of the controller are intended exclusively for the operation of the respective service.

Any information certifying and stating the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential, is checked only by the competent department and may not be used by any third party. Our company does not distribute any information concerning the users of the website to any other natural or legal person.

Some of your personal data may be passed on to external partners of the controller (transport - courier companies), who act on our behalf and on our behalf as processors. These are our webmasters, developers and IT and cloud service providers, as well as some external partners who act as vendors or subcontractors. Your personal data may also be passed on to our lawyers or legal advisers for resolving any disputes and our appropriate legal advice. This transfer is made only in countries within the EU and only for clearly defined purposes, while our partners (processors) are checked for compliance with current legislation on personal data protection and are selected based on their reliability in the field of service their.

All our partners, as well as our staff are bound by confidentiality clauses in relation to the processing of personal data of our customers.

For the protection of your data, please never disclose the unique code number of your order to anyone by any means.

Finally, we would like to inform you that in the event that the controller receives a request from a competent Administrative Authority, Prosecutor, Court or other Authority, it may be necessary to forward this data as processing necessary in the performance of a public interest due to Authorities (with or without your prior information) based on the respective provisions of the law.

Security measures

The sole proprietorship "CHRISANTHY ELISSAIOU" applies all reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data collected either through our website or by any other means, against unauthorized access, abuse, loss or destruction. Such measures include, where appropriate, the use of firewalls, secure server installations, encryption, the implementation of appropriate access rights systems and procedures, careful selection of processors, and other reasonable technical and commercial measures to provide adequate protection for your personal data against unauthorized access. use, disclosure, change or destruction., which are updated taking into account technology developments and their implementation costs.

All employees are bound by confidentiality and confidentiality clauses and your personal data is processed only by specially authorized staff of the controller.


Your rights

You can at any time ask to know if we are processing your personal data and accessing it or even ask us to send your data to someone else (in a readable format). Additionally, you may ask us to correct your inaccurate personal data or to delete or stop collecting it, unless it is necessary for the performance of the contract or for the fulfillment of other legal obligations of the controller. You can request a restriction on the processing of data, to the extent permitted by applicable law and the performance of the contract, or oppose the processing of personal data (the legal basis of which is the legitimate interest of the controller) or automated individual download decision / profiling, which in principle does not take place by the controller.

However, we must inform you that in some cases, it may not be possible to delete your data either because we are required by law to retain it for a period of time or because the data is required to meet our contractual obligations to you.

For any processing you have given your consent, you can revoke it at any time and stop processing.

In addition, you have the right to file a complaint to the competent supervisory authority (Personal Data Protection Authority - in case you consider that your data is not legally processed. The above requests can be sent electronically to our company at address or by post to 115 Konstantinos Paleologos, Sparta 23100

Finally, according to Regulation (EU) 524/2013, the consumer can resort to the institution of Electronic Consumer Dispute Resolution (EED) through the EED platform. available at, for any dispute arising during the performance of the contract or the processing of data . The platform is available in all languages ​​of the European Union, Icelandic and Norwegian. is a free electronic case management tool, with the help of which disputes are promoted for out-of-court settlement through mediated Alternative Dispute Resolution bodies (ADR bodies) of the Member States of the Union, including Norway, Iceland and of Liechtenstein.

Juvenile data collection:

The company does not seek to collect information or conduct transactions with minors. Our aim is for minors not to trade in our products and services without the consent of their parent or legal guardian. We also make reasonable efforts not to maintain in our databases personal data concerning minor users.

Modification of the terms of protection

The sole proprietorship "CHRYSANTHI ELYSSAIOU" reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data, after informing the visitors-users and always observing the current Greek, European and international legislation. We encourage you to check and be informed, from time to time, of any changes to this protection policy.